Saturday, October 27, 2007

From one burb to another, carless

Today I'll be travelling from one place I fear -- a suburb to the east of Portland that starts with a G, to another place I fear -- a suburb to the west of Portland that starts with a B. Suburbs, at least in this country, are places of sprawl with the unit of design being the automobile. On foot, one feels like an ant; on a bike, one feels like..... another ant.

It takes something REALLY IMPORTANT to get me near the sprawling car-burbs. Such an important thing is going on this very evening. I am going to see an environmental leader named Jeanne Roy, who is going to tell us how she has reduced her non recyclable garbage output to ONE CAN per year.

For that, I'll go a long way. And since it seems antithetical to use a car to arrive at something like that, I'll be going by train. My longest MAX trip ever. I'll report back.

In case you're interested, it's being held at the Unity Church, but I don't have that address in front of me right now and I'm in a hurry. Bye.


At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My solution to suburban living has just been completed.
The transformation trike can carry [less physically experienced] suburbanites to destinations like shopping, etc.
Check it out and post comments.


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