Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Money for Nothing and your bikes for free

The only thing wrong with my obtain-a-folding-bike campaign is that it entails acquiring yet another ITEM – which seriously conflicts with another campaign I’ve got going on, which is to vacate a certain storage unit.

Therefore, I’ve decided to purchase the bike completely with funds from the sale of items I already have, and in that way I’ll be working toward both goals at once and also feel like I’m not spending any money.

To start thing off, I recently sold a bike I’ve had since 1975. I took it over to Sellwood Bicycles and asked them to find it a good home for me and a few weeks later they sent me a check for 275 dollars.

In my twenties I always had a fleet of six or seven bikes on hand. You know how some people are chick-magnets? I was a bike magnet. They just came to me, like magic, no money exchanged, and I’d fix them up and make them into jewels.That was my last and best bike from that period. I am down to one bike now, the one I ride every day.

Next I’m selling a classical acoustic guitar. The sound quality is excellent and on top of that it’s gorgeous. I think I can fairly ask $300 for it, but I’ll find out for sure.


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