Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Manners Police in Portland?

Well, not exactly. They're certainly not using the P word - that wouldn't go over well here. If you completed yesterday's assignment, you read about how the Japanese are doing it. Here they're calling them Rider Advocates.

I kept seeing these little bands of guys and gals in grey windbreakers with a shiny horizontal stripe across the middle. The other day while waiting on the Gresham Transit Center platform, there they were again. Seven of them. I started talking to one. "What are you guys?" I asked. "Is grey the new lime green?" I thought maybe the Wakenhut guys had changed their jackets. On the other hand, I was still seeing the lime green jackets around occasionally, so hmmmmm....... I was confused.

Oh wait! That reminds me, I have to tell you something: You remember my post about the Wackenhut guys? I happened to snap a picture of one slumped over in a coma? (The post is WAY too long - just scroll to the bottom of it for the action photo.) OK, several weeks after that, I googled the name Wackenhut just out of curiosity and --- this is TOOOO funny -- it just so happens they've gotten all kinds of bad press for being caught sleeping on the job! Like at nuclear power plants and stuff.

So you see? If you want the latest scoop on national trends, my blog is the place to go. You won't miss out on the news even if I don't read it myself. I have a way of picking up on what's happening and just transmitting it, even unknowingly. (WOOoooo!)

Anyway, back to the Guys & Gals in Grey. Oooops. Outa time. I had a long chat with one named Chris till the train came, then I boarded and watched the seven of them swarm on and snap into action. More about that tomorrow.



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