Monday, May 19, 2008

Obama's first words to the cheering crowd:

"Bicycle lanes."

According to the Oregonian, those were the man's first words when he opened his mouth yesterday at the waterfront. I wasn't there, but judging from the pictures on Bikeportland about the event, he would've been foolish to open with anything else. The photos are definitely worth a peek. Bicycles were locked to anything that could remotely be called a railing, and from where he was standing, a lot of these railings, including the hawthorne bridge, would've been in his line of vision. Apart from the parked bikes, he'd have seen the most bike traffic ever on the surrounding streets.

We're becoming so famous! In case you hadn't heard, we've just been named #1 in the country for Best Overall bicycling city. Word is majorly getting around.



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