Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hope for the Chicken Cyclist

Someone is paying attention. If you are a cyclist but NO WAY are you going to share the road with Moving Metal Deathtraps, someone -- who evidently recognizes you as being a lot smarter than the everyone else -- is doing a study on you. The person doing the study assumes you have better ideas about where to ride, and wants to implant a GPS system into your brain (or, alternatively, onto your bike) and track your movements around Portland.

I would sign up myself because I experience a high degree of chicken-ness toward riding on the major arteries (even when there is a thin white line separating me from the hurtling Deathtraps), BUT I still do it on some stretches of my routes. Plus the vast quantity of time I spend riding (totaling over an hour a day) disqualifies me from the study.

So if you want to star in a document called The Secret Habits of Timid Cyclists, now's your chance. Lindi's going to do it, if she can track down the contact information not provided in the article.

Coming soon: apparent shooting near hidey-hole.


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